
Marketing communications in business decision-making

The world is constantly changing, and every day, the pace of this change is more rapid. It affects not just the environment, or knowledge, but also how people think, what they believe, and the way in which they communicate.
Marketers have to take this into account when they try to approach a potential customer through an advertising campaign, so that they can make sure that the message they are trying to convey reaches the customers in such a way that they will receive it, adopt it, understand it the way it was meant to be understood, and take it into practice, in other words –purchase.
But customers are more complex every time, and the way in which they see the world is more and more related and linked to the set of beliefs, experiences and knowledge that they carry, and so the message that companies launch are received in millions of different ways. So it becomes harder to make one single message have the same effect in millions of such unique minds.
For example, imagine a company that sells ice-cream. Pretend that the company’s brand image, the mascot, so to say, is a dog. There are most certainly millions of people who love dogs and think they are funny, cute, and might feel attracted to the brand if the advertisement shows a really beautiful collie in a prairie under the bright sun, licking an ice-cream cone from the hand of a cute-but-not-so-much-as-the-dog child. They would look for the brand of the gorgeous collie in the supermarket freezers. On the contrary, to me personally and probably my mother too, the advertisement would result disgusting. We are in the minority of people who feel dogs are dirty and smelly animals who should definitely not be licking ice-cream from the cone of a kid who will at least get some kind of stomach infection. We love ice-cream, and buy it regularly, but would never go for the brand that’s being advertised by the cute kid and smelly dog.

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